Courses & Certificates

Practitioner Training in Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy (BCST) at CTET in London, UK, 2015-2017

The Human Microbiome: our Forgotten Organ with Viola Sampson at CTET, October 2017

Working with Babies, Mothers and Pregnancy with Sarah Nesling at CTET in London, November 2017

The Midline in Everything with Michael Kern at CTET, May 2018 – Assisting

Extra body at the BCST Practitioner Training at CTET in London, 2017-2019

Teaching assistant at the BCST Practitioner Training at CTET in London, 2019-2021

Webinar with Franklyn Sills on ‘The Ground of Biodynamics’, June 2020

Webinar with Julian Cowan on Tinnitus, September 2020

The Embryo in Us with Dr Jaap Van Der Wal (Online seminar), April 2021 – Assisting

Formative Embodiment & The Art of Storytelling with Dr James Feil (Online seminar), April 2021 – Assisting

Potency, Light and the Central Nervous System with Ian Wright, May 2022 – Assisting

The Biodynamics of Death and Dying with Michael Kern, June 2022 – Assisting

Last DBS checked, December 2021

Last First Aid, January 2022

Tutor at the Healthy Living Centre Teaching Clinic in Highbury Islington, London, since August 2023

Counselling: An Introduction at City Lit in London, UK, July 2024